Steven ​Herrick


New YA novel just released.

Order copies here

I’m the author of twenty-eight books for children and young adults. My books have twice ​won the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards; been shortlisted for the CBCA Book of the Year ​Awards on ten occasions; and been shortlisted for a number of other awards in Australia ​including the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award and the Qld Premier’s Literary Award. My ​verse-novel ‘Pookie Aleera Is Not My Boyfriend’ also won the WA Premier’s Literary Award. ​In 2019, my novel ‘by the river’ won the German Catholic Book of the Year Award and the ​prestigious Jugendliteraturpreis at the Frankfurt Book Fair. I spend six months of the year ​visiting schools throughout the world; three months drafting a new manuscript; and three ​months riding my bicycle somewhere in Europe or Asia.

Click on the book covers to find out more about each title.

Cycle-travel ebooks

I’m also the author of eleven cycle-travel ebooks, available through Amazon. Yes, I hate Amazon too, but it’s the best way to publish and sell books for the price of a cup of coffee.

I’ve spent the past twelve years cycling throughout Europe and Asia, usually for three months of each year, and documenting my travels in these books.

I’ve been very fortunate to be accompanied on all of these trips by my wife, Cathie and our two trusty bicycles, Jenny and Craig - the greatest weight-loss program known to humankind!

Without doubt, one of the great joys of being an author is the opportunity to visit schools and entertain children and young adults (and their teachers!). I’ve been incredibly fortunate to make a living from this job these past thirty years. And I hope to keep doing it for quite a while longer with your support. So, please feel free to contact me if you want an author visit. I can talk about specific books, or do my usual 45-minute session of reading poems, telling stories and having fun.

’Steven brings out the laughter and lightness in life’ - Teacher, Leura Public School, NSW.

’He was better than a public holiday!’ - student, St Mary’s College, Toowoomba, Qld.

’Steven Herrick has probably done more for the future of Australian poetry than any other Australian.’ - Jackie French, author.

Articles, rants, ideas…

Apart from books, I’ve written hundreds of articles

and pieces on a variety of subjects dear to my heart. Here’s a few

Over the years, various governments have legislated to make life difficult for we cyclists. All in the name of ‘better transport’. Here’s a link to one of my many articles in The Guardian. You can find the rest by clicking on my name in the article.

I’ve also written (too many) blog pieces on everything from travelling to a Greek Island to pay literary homage to one of my favourite writers; the evils of Amazon; being an author; eating pizza in Napoli; and a host of other subjects.

Even more books …